I don’t have any real things to talk about this week, so here is a couple of things I’m thinking about:
It’s Snowing
Yep, yesterday was sunny and warm. Today it is snowing a lot. Typical SMARCH weather. I guess I’ll stay in today!
I Finished NEO: The World Ends With You
I think I ultimately liked it – I’m not sure how the performance was on the Switch vs. the PS4, but it’s something I’m curious about. It felt like things just took a little too long to load and kind of bogged down the overall experience for me. Still, the battles were fun, the story was intriguing, but I just had to mainline the bonus ending because I just wanted to be done at that point.
First Sponsored Stream Incoming
Next week, I’ll be streaming a little bit of Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin. This game is WEIRD, and I’m excited to see more of it and share it with you all. Square Enix gave me a key so that’s very super cool!
See this week on Twitch!